Cozad Hawk Recreation Center

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Cozad Community Foundation
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raised by 5 people

$16,000 goal

HAWK Recreation, Inc. was established in the spring of 2018 as a non-profit corporation to purchase, maintain and operate the property at 819 H St (old bowling alley) in Cozad. The original premise of HAWK was to find a venue youth/high school wrestlers to utilize throughout the year but this has expanded to include other sports/activities that needs mats or indoor space for training.

It costs roughly $16,000 annually in taxes, utilities, insurance & debt service. This amount is offset by camps, rent from youth clubs, donations and sponsorships. This doesn’t leave a lot left over for building improvements or equipment purchases. Our goal is to continually improve the facility and anything that we can take in over our operating needs will be used to improve or facility.

The building is currently being used by the Junior High Wrestling Program, Cozad Youth Wrestling (Folkstyle – Winter & Freestyle & Greco – Spring), HAWK Camps and workouts throughout the year, throughout the year, boxing, gymnastics & softball. We are continually looking for any other high school, junior high or youth activity that can benefit from using a large indoor space with mats.

HAWK and the Cozad Youth Wrestling program will be combining efforts again to run a large youth tournament early in the 2024 youth season.  

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