DC Parent Child Center

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Lexington Community Foundation
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PCC provides confidential services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse.


raised by 24 people

$10,000 goal

Parent-Child Center’s Mission: The mission and purpose of the Dawson County Parent-Child Center is to provide confidential, comprehensive services to victims of child abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence. 

In 2023, the Parent-Child Center provided services to 169 victims. 

Of this total, 

-143 were victims of domestic violence, 

-2 were victims  of dating violence, 

-13 were adult victims of sexual assault, 

-3 were child victims of sexual abuse, 

-3 were victims of stalking, and 

-3 were victims of human trafficking.     

An emergency shelter was provided to 23 adults and 26 children in 2023.

Advocates had contact with or provided advocacy for a survivor 1,262 times.


Services provided by the Parent-Child Center include:

  • 24-hour crisis line
  • medical advocacy
  • emergency shelter
  • emergency transportation
  • transitional housing
  • safety planning
  • legal advocacy
  • personal and enhanced advocacy
  • criminal justice support
  • protection order assistance
  • immigration information and assistance
  • national, state, and local information and referrals
  • community education about the issues and prevention of child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, and healthy relationships.


The Purple Door Thrift Store

The communities that Parent-Child Center serves are very generous and donate numerous items, including; clothing, bedding, towels, furniture, dishes, toys, and other household items.  “The Purple Door” is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11-4. All proceeds are used for emergency financial aid for clients and general operating support for the store and the agency.

Clothing, dishes, and bedding are currently available at no cost to anyone in need.  Area service providers (Micah’s House, HHS, CASA, Mid-Nebraska, public schools, etc.) refer individuals to us who are in need. These individuals as well as the clients we serve are still able to receive items at no cost.

Giving Activity